Prayer is at the heart of all that we do as a church, we believe that seeking god in prayer should be first and foremost in our life, worship and discipleship as a church.
We pray every week in a variety of styles, times and places to enable everyone of us to have time meeting with others in prayer:
Monday 9am – 9.30am Prayer led by the Staff Team in the Stoughton Chapel, all welcome
Tuesday 9am – 9.45am Prayer on ZOOM and in person in the Stoughton Chapel
First Wednesday of the month - 12.30pm -1.30pm Prayer for the UK in the Bell Tower
Third Wednesday of the month - 7pm - 8.15pm Waiting Prayer in the Stoughton Chapel. Simply come and wait on the Lord in the silence of our beautiful chapel.
Thursday 9am – 9.45am Prayer on ZOOM and in person in the Stoughton Chapel
We offer Prayer ministry and opportunities to be prayed for in our Sunday Services and offer a confidential prayer email service throughout the week. We’d love to pray for you and with you.
Kathryn Cutler is our Prayer Ministry Leader.